Dr. Klaus Helped Me See How Much Dental Implants Could Change My Life
Hi, I’m Katie. I got the All-on-6 by Dr. Klaus. I’ve had, I know, 3 sets of crowns. And then, after some started breaking, and then were deteriorating under the caps and in different places, I cried because I didn’t know what I was looking at. I knew that something had to change. That’s when Dr. Matt said, “I want you to go see my friend, Dr. Klaus, he can make it right.”
All I've heard are horror stories about how much implants were. I thought, I cannot just be those children that were homeless, I can't do that, sell a kidney for that. And he introduced me to the new thing and the cost was something I could afford.

Keith Klaus:
We’re really on the verge of having to wait for what we deem a terminal dentition. We are careful with those types of patients because we’re not exactly sure where their education level is. And it can be a shock when we sit down with a patient and even discuss the potential that she needs all of her teeth removed. And somewhere when their education hits up a threshold, the light bulb really turns on and they understand, “Okay, this is what I want.”
He’s got a little dry wit. I think, he just sit back and he said, “Pull? You want to pull them all?” Well, I was to the point that if I was going to pull some, why keep a few that were under the caps and being diabetic? They were decayed to where you can’t see. That was an easy decision. I knew that, well, I would be enlightened, and I would be the one to color it at that point.
She knew she wanted the implants, and she knew that she wanted teeth that were fixed. However, she was conflicted over making the financial investment right off the bat. So, giving her the options and giving her the different treatment options that we have, she first chose to remove the teeth and try the denture.
Dr. Klaus knew that that wasn’t going to work, but he let me figure it out myself. I think it took me, maybe, a month to decide this upper denture is not going to work.
At least she had reached her breaking point when, you know, one when it was during COVID and she was never wearing them. And so, when she did need them one day, she couldn’t find them.
At 2 o’clock, that was me on the video on the camera at the house, digging like a raccoon for my teeth. And I told him. I said, “I can’t do this.” Dr. Klaus said, “I didn’t think you could, but we needed to get a place for you where you felt like this is what you would want to do.” And they just started working on me. And all I’ve heard are horror stories about how much implants were. I thought, I cannot just be those children that were homeless, I can’t do that, sell a kidney for that. And he introduced me to the new thing and the cost was something I could afford.
With a lot of our patients, we see a transformation. And that’s really what we live for. That’s what we enjoy more than anything is seeing that light come on, that brightness come back to the patients. And, you know, watching her come into our office and interact with us and interact with our staff, it’s just a heartwarming thing to be a part of.
When I sat in my car, I thought, I can’t believe it. I thought I could wear a false plate, when I could have had this, for not much more than if you’re getting falsies and that. My husband, he does not say much, a few weeks ago, he said, “You’re different today.” I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “I don’t know you’re just different.” Then, he told me later, he said, “You got your smile back. You’re smiling.” I know it’s a life-changing decision. You got to look. You got to know they look good. You won’t know they’re implants. I would get anybody I knew to at least come to have a consult that may change their life.
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