We Both Got The Smiles That We Always Wanted Thanks To Dr. Tharp & Dr. Klaus
Twin brother: My teeth fell when I was a senior in high school when I was playing football, and a helmet hit my teeth on top and broke my teeth. I had dentures when I was 18 years old and kept the dentures all my life up until a couple of years ago, maybe 2 years ago when I met Dr. Paul. All through the years, taking family pictures at gatherings, things like that, I couldn’t smile, I just kind of stood in the background. I said, I have to follow through with these implants. That’s what I did. I just took step by step.
Your dentist is like your family. I mean, your doctors become your family, your dentist becomes your family. So Dr. Klaus and Dr. Tharp and all the employees here are my family now.

Dr. Tharp
He’s missing some lower teeth as well as his back teeth. Had a lot of soft tissue resorption on his lower front teeth so, I recommended dual arch on him but he decided he wanted me to do the best I could with what he had. So we did porcelain crowns on the front teeth, on the lower with some survey attachments on them, and got him a really nice old school, removable, partial denture that snaps in, very stable, very sturdy. And then the upper, we did simultaneous implant and grafting on him. Master ceramist, knock a home run out of the park on that. He’s able to lead his active lifestyle and not be hampered by a denture. And he was so impressed that his twin sister who lives on the Mississippi Gulf Coast had gone through this process, same time and she was working with the team approach. We had a restorative dentist, sent an oral surgeon mobile. Got a less-than-optimal result.
Twin Sister:
My personality is smiling, but I wasn’t able to do that. When I would smile, my post, of my implants was showing on the top of my mouth in the smile. So I called my twin brother, who’s always all our life, taking care of me. I was crying, I was upset and he said, “You don’t have any worries. I’m with Dr. Tharp in Flowood or Jackson. Get up here.
Dr. Tharp:
Keith got her. She came up. And within one visit, she left with a prototype bridge that day, one visit.
Dr. Klaus:
I looked at her and said, “I can help you. Today, I will help you”. I immediately disassembled her old bridge. The bite was way off. She was whistling through the top of it. She couldn’t stand it and I told her, “Today you’re going to be Cinderella and I’ve got three different arches that we’re going to try in”. When I inserted the first arch she immediately smashed, “My goodness this feels so much better but it’s just, they just feel a little long”. And so I gave her the next set and we tried it in. She said, “This is perfect. This is it. I’m done. I want to leave with these”. and that’s when I knew we had her. Her case is really a testament to our practice and our practice being a family practice as we treat her, her brother, and her brother’s wife.
Twin Sister:
Money was never mentioned to me. It was all about Dr. Klaus. His main goal was to fix my problem so I would have a lifetime of no problems and I could smile and be myself. And he gave me back my life. It’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Twin Brother:
I can eat anything I want to eat. I can smile. I just walk around people. I feel like I have teeth. I mean, I’m just so relaxed with the teeth and they feel like my real teeth. It’s just awesome.
Twin Brother:
Here’s a family affair and I have told a lot of people that if they want to come to the best of the best, they need to call him.
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