Dental Implants Keep Me From Worrying About My Smile
Vlad was in need and he really needed some help. He had been referred, I believe, by another dentist. His lower arch was pretty well intact, he had an anterior lower bridge, a couple of crowns, missing some molars back there. His upper, he had the same situation, but a long span bridge going from canine to canine up there. He’s a big guy, he has a strong chew, strong masseters, and he had fractured off that bridge. Just sheared off the bridge and the teeth with it. So, he was dental cripple, absolutely petrified the idea of having to wear an upper denture.
When you're always worried about something, in my case, it was smiling or eating, or talking. It makes a big difference when you don't have to worry about it. So, yes, I will definitely come back

I’m always worried about the thing coming up. All those times you take a bite out of a hamburger or something, and your teeth sort of leave with the bite. It’s very uncomfortable. And so, we came up here, he asked me to review what had happened in my past dental life. And then he took us in a room, and they took an image all the way around my head. It was like 3D and then put it on the wall, and then he explained it exactly what he was going to do. He showed each implant, how it was going to be implanted, and what angle it was going to be implanted. I thought it was really quite an education.
He made me feel like I was the only person in the room. And I’ve seen a lot of doctors, and when you go to a doctor, and he spends his five or ten minutes with you and then go someplace else, it’s a little disheartening. This guy, he’s a people person and he will sit there and talk with you, put you at ease. I just had a great experience with [inaudible].
He was on board, the wife was on board, so I usually ask them, how did[?] you and anybody that’s going to have veto power over this, In this room, to give me the thumbs up. And so we went to final production at that time, we unscrewed the prototype, screwed firmly in it, and he’s off and running, no complaints. I think I had to tweak the bite once, but he’s fine. He’s happy eating what he wants, he says he’s putting on weight too. He’s going to have to watch what he eats, but he’s happy, and I’m happy that he’s happy.
When you’re always worried about something, in my case, it was smiling or eating, or talking. It makes a big difference when you don’t have to worry about it. So, yes, I will definitely come back. I’m sure my lower teeth are going to wear out eventually. I’ll be back.
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