Smiling for Success and Happiness

Smiling for Success and Happiness

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Smiling is really good for you. It can make you healthier, happier, and more approachable. Smiling can also have a positive impact on your life and career.

Smiling Makes You Happy

We know that being happy can make you smile. But how could smiling by itself make a person happy? The answer is that the physical act of smiling actually causes your mind to release neurotransmitters called endorphins. Endorphins have been referred to as your body’s natural painkillers because they’re designed to release stress and create pleasurable feelings.

According to an article in Forbes Magazine “we can change our emotional state by altering our facial expression!” This works even when we don’t actually feel like smiling:

Pasting a smile on your face, even if you are consciously faking it, can improve your mood and reduce stress.

Smile–It’s Good for You

In addition to making you feel better, smiling more often can make you healthier.  That’s because when we’re smiling, “we reduce the rigidness of our cells.” This can “help rid the body of stress.” Smiling regularly can have the long-term effect of making you healthier because it “helps the heart” and this can “keep you healthy longer.”

Smiling Makes You More Approachable and Successful

Smiling will improve the way people think about you. A study conducted by Penn State University found that people who work in the service industry garnered much more positive responses from customers when they smile. Smiling employees “came across as much more likable and friendly, and customers left the interactions feeling much more satisfied about their overall experience.”

Getting along with the people around you is key to having a successful career. People would rather be around someone who’s friendly and more easily approachable. That’s one reason why people who smile “are more likely to earn more money through tips and raises.”

Your Smile Specialists in Flowood or Jackson, MS

At Tharp & Klaus, we offer a variety of cosmetic treatments to get you the smile you’re looking for. Give us a call today and see what we can do for your smile.

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