The Most Dangerous Candies for Your Smile

The Most Dangerous Candies for Your Smile

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Tooth decay is a serious threat to the health of your smile. Fortunately, we know how to prevent it. There are several things that you and your family can do to dramatically reduce your chances of getting cavities.

Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles

The best way to protect your smile from cavities is to brush, floss, and rinse your smile with mouthwash twice a day. This will remove dangerous plaque and food particles that could otherwise cause cavities.

Even though you’re practicing good oral hygiene at home, you still need to visit our dentist in Flowood or Jackson for regular checkups. In addition to giving you a thorough cleaning that will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth, we’ll also perform diagnostic tests such as x-rays. We’ll monitor the health of your teeth and make recommendations for maintaining a healthy smile.

Another important thing you can do to prevent cavities is to adjust your eating habits. For example, the more you can limit snacking between meals, the better. When you eat foods as part of a meal, it causes less harm than snacking because your body releases more saliva during the meal. In addition to rinsing your mouth, saliva also contains chemicals which counteract the acids in foods that can damage your teeth.

Candies to Avoid for a Healthy Smile

Most people know that foods which contain high amounts of sugar such as cake, cookies, and candy are bad and can cause cavities. Some types of sweets are more likely to lead to tooth decay than others, however. For example, hard candy, sticky candy, and chewy candy are particularly bad for your smile.

Hard candies such as lollipops and jawbreakers stick to your teeth for a long time after you’re finished eating them. As these candies dissolve, they break down the outer layer of enamel that protects your teeth. This allows the bacteria that cause tooth decay to penetrate your teeth and wreak havoc on your smile.

Chewy and sour candies should also be avoided. Like hard candy, sticky candy remains on your teeth for a long time, attacking your enamel. Sticky candy can also damage dental work. Sour candies attack your teeth in two ways. In addition to containing a lot of sugar, sticky candy also contains a type of acid that will break down the enamel in your teeth. This enables cavity-causing bacteria to get inside your teeth and cause tooth decay.

If you eat between meals, try choosing healthy snacks, like carrots and apples. These foods will satisfy your cravings for carbohydrates without devastating your smile.

Promoting Healthy Smiles in Flowood or Jackson

At Tharp, Klaus, and Kelly Dental Clinic, we’re committed to preserving beautiful smiles. Call today to schedule your next checkup. We also offer a number of restorative and cosmetic treatments such as veneers and dental implants to keep your smile shining bright.

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