Regular Checkups to Keep Your Smile Shining Bright

Regular Checkups to Keep Your Smile Shining Bright

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Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but they need to receive the proper care. That means brushing and flossing daily, avoiding sugary foods as much as possible, and visiting your dentist in Flowood or Jackson for regular checkups at least twice a year.

Preventative Care

During a regular checkup at Tharp & Klaus, we feature treatment that can’t be duplicated at home. We provide two essential services during your checkup: First, we deliver preventative care to protect your smile from threats like tooth decay and gum disease. Second, we offer diagnostic services to anticipate and treat future issues before they get out of hand.

Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by bacteria. These dangerous bacteria feed on the plaque, tartar, and debris in your mouth. The professional dental cleaning you receive from our hygienist removes tartar that cannot be eliminated through regular brushing. Otherwise, tartar can become a haven for gum disease, a dangerous infection that threatens the health of your smile.

After your thorough professional cleaning, our hygienist will polish your teeth. In addition to making your smile sparkle, this also makes it more difficult for bacteria to penetrate the tooth enamel which helps protect your smile from tooth decay.

Your Complete Dental Examination

Your checkup will also include a full digital x-ray that provides us with a clear image of the inside of your mouth. At Tharp & Klaus, we use cone beam imaging to give us a comprehensive 3D picture of your teeth, gums, jaws, and all the related tissue. This makes it possible to diagnose a number of issues and it provides early warning about a number of potential issues including TMJ Disorder, loose crowns or fillings, oral cancer, teeth grinding, and sleep apnea.

Our dentist will perform a full dental examination. For younger patients, this will include a review of their dentition to ensure their smile is developing correctly. Our dentist will also check for early signs of potential issues such as decay, abscesses, and impacted teeth. We’ll review all your diagnostic procedures to make sure your smile is healthy.

Your checkup will also include a full screening for oral cancer. This is essential because over 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. The earlier cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat successfully.

A Lifetime of Healthy Smiles in Flowood or Jackson

We also counsel our patients on the best practices and habits for maintaining a healthy smile. This is especially beneficial for our younger patients — it’s the best way to make sure they will achieve long-lasting oral health.

Call Tharp & Klaus today to schedule checkups for yourself and your family. You can also ask about how our cosmetic and restorative treatments such as professional teeth-whitening, Invisalign, and dental implants can help you achieve the smile you’ve been dreaming about.


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